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Meet Ayesha | shmu

Meet Ayesha

Meet Ayesha 

The Mastrick Matters team wanted to use the shmu page to introduce you to some of the staff and volunteers who are involved with shmu. Recently we spoke to our Media Development Worker, Ayesha Zielinski who joined shmu in 2021. 

Here are some of the things Ayesha had to say about working at shmu.

Ayesha, can you tell us about your role here at shmu?

A: The main part of my job is teaching the foundation apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media to the Aberdeenshire schools we work with. That is the main part of my job, but I do help the volunteers, as you know. If Adele, our FM Development Worker is off or is doing something else, I cover the Radio volunteers as well as audio to edit.

What did you do before you worked at shmu?

A: I was a lecturer at the College in Perth where I taught in the Music and Music Business department, but I also taught in the Audio and Audio Engineering, Sound Production department. I was a personal academic tutor, so if that year had any issues, they would come to me. Sort of like a guidance teacher. If they weren’t performing or doing their work, I would support or eject, depending on the situation.

Did your previous work have transferable skills to what you do now?

Yes, they all had transferable skills, so I’m quite grateful for that. Because this is quite specialised in Audio and Radio and creative media, I had a vast experience in that. Prior to that, I did voluntary work for hospital radio in Perth. To start with, I was a ward visitor before I then started my own show. I did that weekly, like you guys. I was then a member of the board before I became the programme controller, which is like what Adele does here. It’s all relevant to this job.

What’s your favourite part of shmu?

That’s quite difficult. I’d like to say Adele, because she’s always telling people that they’re her favourite. It would have to be radio as I have a background in Music, audio, radio and all the different work that I’ve done. But I think it’s a bit unfair to have favourite parts of shmu, there’s lots that I really enjoy.


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