Sound News

shmu DJ & Music Tech Project

For DJs & musicians of any level aged 16-25 living in Northfield, Cummings Park, Middlefield, Tillydrone, Woodside, Seaton or Torry

Learn and improve your skills in music tech, live set-ups, sound engineering & DJing

A FREE 4 week project running from 2-5pm on Saturdays from 1st June 2024 at shmu HQ in Woodside, Aberdeen.

Date added: 14/05/2024

Pitching Up now open to new participants!

Aged 16-25, live in Aberdeen/shire & create original music?

Pitching Up is now accepting new participants!

Our Pitching Up project offers the opportunity for young songwriters, singers, producers and musicians to learn and create alongside PitchPlay Music – a dedicated international music publishing service with directors based in Aberdeen and London.

Date added: 14/06/2022

Pitching Up - Project Trainee role

As part of our new Pitching Up project, the funding allows us to create a new paid part-time Project Trainee role.

The project will offer the opportunity for up to 20 young songwriters, singers, producers, composers and musicians to learn and create alongside PitchPlay Music – a dedicated international music publishing service with directors based in Aberdeen and London.

Date added: 17/03/2022

Pitching Up - a new project from 57N, shmu & PitchPlay Music

Our new Pitching Up project, run by our 57 North strand, will offer the opportunity for up to 20 young songwriters, singers, producers, composers and musicians to learn and create alongside PitchPlay Music – a dedicated international music publishing service with directors based in Aberdeen and London.

Date added: 08/03/2022

Funding awarded for shmu to continue Aberdeen Youth Music Partnership

shmu has been awarded £10,000 by Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative to continue to deliver the Aberdeen Youth Music Partnership (AYMP). The project will build on a successful year of work in 2020/21 and run throughout 2022.

The AYMP brings together organisations, practitioners and young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to help strengthen the youth music sector in the region.

Date added: 16/12/2021

shmu awarded funding for new YMI project 'Pitching Up'

Shmu has been awarded over £29,000 by Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI) to run ‘Pitching Up’, an exciting new Access to Music Making project, in 2022.

Date added: 16/12/2021

57 North Aberdeen Music Sector Survey

Are you involved in music in Aberdeen?

Fill out the 57 North Aberdeen Music Sector Survey.

We’re trying to understand how the sector is currently operating (and realise that is now changing on a daily, even hourly, basis), where there are gaps and how they are bridged, and how we can target those gaps.

Date added: 28/04/2020

57 North part of new SMIA Advisory Group

The Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA) has announced the appointment of its inaugural Advisory Group. The group includes 57 North Coordinator John Anderson.

Date added: 26/04/2020

57 North COVID-19 - Advice and Resources

If you're involved in music, 57 North has a list of helpful links to Advice & Resources relating to the coronavirus crisis, including a number of new funds which have been set up as a response to COVID-19.

Click here to see the list.

Date added: 23/03/2020

57 North Presents: Virtues

Aberdeen rock band Virtues played their first gig in November 2019.

They’ve since released an EP ‘You're Alive’ and are due to support Pleasure Heads at The Cellar in Aberdeen on Friday 20th March.

Date added: 26/02/2020