57 North Presents: Full Fat

Full Fat are an Aberdeen-based Alt-Blues trio who have made a name for themselves performing throughout Scotland, and they're our 57 North Presents studio guests on Monday 3rd September from 8-10pm.
The band is made up of three very different musicians whose influences range from Johnny Cash to Jaco Pastorius, giving their music a distinctive groove and a recognisable sound.
They also launch their latest EP ‘In the Dark’ at Aberdeen’s Blue Lamp on Friday 21st September.
Missed it? Fear not, the show is also repeated on Friday at Midnight, or you can Listen Again here.
After Monday's show, you can also request any of the band's tracks on any of our other live shows by contacting the studio on 01224 483413, by texting 60300 (type SHMU, leave a space and then your message) or by emailing studio@shmu.org.uk.
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