57 North Presents: Sonic Bucker

"ZZ Top playing The Dead Weather" on Monday 14th May

Sonic Bucker are a two-piece Aberdeen-based band with a sound that’s been described as ZZ Top playing The Dead Weather.

With Fraser on guitar, vocals & bass and Daz on drums, the band originally started playing the blues, but have now grown to create a sound that’s hard, heavy and loud. They're also the studio guests on 57 North Presents on Monday 14th May from 8-10pm!

Missed it? Fear not, the show is also repeated on Friday at Midnight, or you can Listen Again here.

After Monday's show, you can also request any of Sonic Bucker's tracks on any of our other live shows by contacting the studio on 01224 483413, by texting 60300 (type SHMU, leave a space and then your message) or by emailing studio@shmu.org.uk