First Minister Alex Salmond Visits shmu

Station House had a visit from Scotlands First Minister; Alex Salmond.

On Monday 10th June, Station House had a very special visit from Scotlands First Minister; Alex Salmond. He came with SNP Donside by-election candidate Mark McDonald to learn about the work the station is doing to promote opportunities for young people.

Alex Salmond not only met a few of the staff here at shmu but was also introduced to our current trainees and a few of our past trainees. The First Minister was then interviewed by our trainees for the shmuTRAIN Takeover Radio show.

He talked about what his government were doing to help young people into employment and also talked about his own experiences as a youngster in work.

Commenting after the visit, First Minister Alex Salmond said:

"Up and down the country, organisations like shmu do tremendous work with young people - building up their skills, qualifications, and most importantly their self-esteem. The sharp falls in youth unemployment that we have seen across Scotland can only be built upon with the right policies, and the hard work of organisations like shmu.”