Last trainees of 2013 Graduate

Trainees attend Townhouse ceremony

The last trainees of 2013 donned their best glad rags to celebrate their graduation in style at the Town and County Hall this December. Our trainees were supported by friends and families, who were invited to cheer on our young people as they collected their certificates. Other attendees included shmu staff as well as several MSPs including Mark MacDonald, Christian Allard and Maureen Watt.

Speaking at our event was Sheila Sansbury, the Service Manager (Families and Vulnerable Learners) from Aberdeen City Council and shmu board member Scott Strachan, who also presented our trainees with their certificates. One of our trainees, Georgia, has been fortunate to find employment already, Chris and Bradley have both applied for college courses starting in early 2014 and Gregor is waiting to hear back from an interview for an apprenticeship.

Everyone here at shmu wishes our PT 16 trainees all the luck in the world with their future endeavours and will always be here to offer support in the future should they need it.