shmuTRAIN is packed with opportunities

Pupils try their hand at radio, film and magazines

The new school term is now well underway and shmuTRAIN are working with pupils from Torry, St Machar, and Northfield. For the first time this year we are working with pupils from Kincorth Academy. Pupils from Torry and Kincorth academies will be delving into radio training, so be sure to listen out on shmuFM for their debut on the airwaves during our Early Interventions radio show. St Machar and Northfield will be working with film; we can’t wait to hear their ideas and see what they come up with.

Our Employability course will be running throughout all the schools, all the pupils involved will achieve a qualification in Employability awarded by the SQA, provided they complete the full course. To add to this list of brilliant activities, we will also be working with the pupils in each of the schools to create content for our community magazines. We are really looking forward to bringing a fresh young perspective to our community issues and to find out more about life in each of the schools.