TV News

BFI Film Academy 2018 - Apply Now!

Building on the success of the last four years, Station House Media Unit (shmu) is once again working in partnership with the British Film Institute (BFI), Creative Scotland, North East Scotland College and the Belmont Fimhouse to deliver Aberdeen’s fifth BFI Film Academy course - and recruitment is now open.

Date added: 27/08/2018

BFI Film Academy 2017 - Apply Now!

Building on the success of the last four years, Station House Media Unit (shmu) is once again working in partnership with the British Film Institute (BFI), North East Scotland College and the Belmont Fimhouse to deliver Aberdeen’s fourth BFI Film Academy course - and recruitment is now open. 

Date added: 01/09/2016

Casting call for shmuTV film

The team at shmuTV have been very busy indeed making a community safety film about auto theft.  The team are looking for young actors and actresses to audition for various roles within the film. 

The filmmakers are looking to cast the following roles:

Young people to be extras (12-18)

2 male actors / Offenders (aged 15 - 20)

Date added: 06/08/2014

June is the busiest month for shmuTV

Our brilliant team at shmu TV have been up to their eyebrows doing fantastic work with the Rights Respecting Schools pupil group, part of an initiative by UNICEF.  With the support and guidance from teachers at Riverbank primary in Tillydrone, the pupils have been challenged to make a video about the school’s many achievements, providing a visual evaluation for their project.

Date added: 13/06/2014

WWII film re-mastered for D-Day

Veterans are returning to Normandy today where the D-Day landings took place over 70 years ago to reflect and remember those who lost their lives. Lots of 70th anniversary commemorations are taking place all over the world and shmu have their own mark of respect by issuing re-mastered DVDs of their World War II documentary, filmed last year.

Date added: 06/06/2014

FestivalTV now online

We've now got all the videos from YTV's coverage of the Aberdeen International Youth Festival (AIYF) up on the shmu website, so take a look and set some time aside - there are a few hours' worth of clips now online.

Date added: 18/12/2013

Free video session on Wednesday

This Wednesday (Nov 13th) sees the second of our free Digital Media Cafés, taking place at Seventeen on Belmont Street.

After opening with an audio workshop two weeks ago, the second fortnightly workshop will focus on basic video skills and will be taken by shmuTV tutors Sara and Kirsty.

Date added: 11/11/2013

shmu’s youthTV WWII film airs at 50+ Festival

Over the Summer Break young people from the youthTV project joined a couple of past trainees from Positive Transitions to take part in a unique film project in conjunction with the Saint Fitticks Arts Festival.

Date added: 12/09/2013

Film to be shown at St Fittick and 50+ Festivals

Young volunteers and trainees from Station House Media Unit (shmu) have teamed up with the Saint Fitticks Art Festival to create an oral history documentary about Aberdeen and memories of their time during the Second World War. 

Date added: 29/08/2013

Watch festivalTV

For the duration of Aberdeen International Youth Festival (AIYF); Saturday 27th July to Saturday the 3rd of August, shmuTV's own YouthTV project will be making a series of daily programmes, featuring a wealth of clips, news and interviews with guests who are performing in this years festival.

Date added: 30/07/2013