CashBack North East 2023-24 Report

The 2023-24 report for our CashBack NorthEast programme has been published.
CashBack for Communities is the Scottish Government’s programme which repurposes money seized from proceeds of crime into projects for young people who face disadvantage.
CashBack NorthEast is funded to work with over 500 young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire over three years. With a focus on creative approaches and media, the programme seeks to help young people overcome personal barriers and avoid anti-social behaviour and (re)-offending through three core projects:
Youth Media: This project supports young people aged 10 to 18 from the regeneration areas in Aberdeen to participate in media-related activities.
Training Academy: Working with school leavers identified as unlikely to achieve a positive destination, and young people who have left school and require one-to-one support.
Engage: Supporting young people who are justice experienced, helping them break the cycle of offending.
The report demonstrates why our CashBack NorthEast model is effective in supporting the realisation of the Scottish Government’s CashBack outcomes.
Want to learn more about how we're making a difference? Check out the full report here
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